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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  Guest Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:30 pm

Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Final_10

Today I announce a new exciting Bonsai Exhibition in the UK Bonsai Europa 2015. The format will NOT be as existing shows, there will be some Classical Bonsai, and the show will be curated creatively exploring new and distinctive approach. Artists from across Europe are invited to show at what should be one of the most important shows in the Bonsai Calendar. The venue is The Castle Armoury in my hometown of Bury, North Manchester. Watch this space for more details over the next few months.

This is the venue
Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Drill_10


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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  Guest Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:21 am

Hi Tony

it sounds very interesting  Smile 

Kind regards Yvonne


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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  robatkinson Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:07 pm

wow tony that looks great me and the lads will be there mate.
see you on saturday pal.

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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  Robert Steven Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:26 am

Great news Tony. I will plan to come.
BTW, do you want RYUGA Bonsai Tools to participate in any sponsorship ?

Just let me know....
Robert Steven
Robert Steven

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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty website is now live

Post  Guest Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:16 am

The website for the event is now live you can see it here:

Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Websit10


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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Bonsai Europa 2015 Step UP

Post  Guest Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:46 am

When I started in bonsai years ago I swore that Bonsai was going to be just for me, I had spent the previous years sitting on committees, organised events giving everything I could into pushing my sport forward, I was never going to be an organiser and never going to be on a committee ever again. Bonsai was going to be selfish, just for me… nobody else I knew practiced the art.

Those who know me well know me as a ‘doer’ an organiser a ‘rainmaker’… I will sit on that committee and get things done, all those things I promised myself all those years ago I would not do… my ‘Problem’ is I cannot stop getting involved, there are few like me in the UK Bonsai scene however I have never understood why others are reluctant to ‘step up’.

I have organised two other major Bonsai Shows in the UK, both one day 1996 in Accrington 2500 turned up, the other 10 years later 2006 in Bolton it was the hottest day of the year and many stayed at home but still 1750 came.

It’s no secret how to have a successful show, good location, a huge amount of publicity, the best trees available and surrounding yourself with good people who share your vision, I have good people signed up already but I need more.

So to all the naysayers, the whiners who complain that nothing happens, cry out that bonsai is going nowhere in the UK and we have no future or whinge that ‘Politics’ is ruining Bonsai. This is your chance to make a difference and be part of something exciting.

“To all the other dreamers out there, don't ever stop or let the world's negativity disenchant you or your spirit. If you surround yourself with love and the right people, anything is possible.” Adam Green

have you signed up yet?
Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Be-needs-you


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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  LanceMac10 Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:09 am

Sweet....thanks for the link!!

Cheers drunken !!!

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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  gman Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:23 pm

Thanks for posting Tony, looks like a fantastic show and I recognize many of the entrants Very Happy . Are there any photos of the exhibit?
Cheers Graham

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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  Guest Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:17 pm

HI Graham, I am writing my report now and will feature lots of images from the show... follow the blog


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Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists Empty Re: Bonsai Europa 2015 New Show in the UK for European artists

Post  gman Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:27 pm

Merci beaucoup Tony.

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