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WBC-Saburo Kato Trophy

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WBC-Saburo Kato Trophy Empty WBC-Saburo Kato Trophy

Post  Robert Steven Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:42 am

Anyone ever known that once WBFF had conducted the WBC (World Bonsai Photo Contest) with Saburo Kato Trophy ?

WBC-Saburo Kato Trophy Wbctro10

This trophy was sculpted by Guillermo Castano of Mexico, who also sculpted the Ismail Saleh Trophy and the bust of John Naka for the bonsai museum, then casted in my factory.
I was the coordinator by that time together with Tom Shigemitsu as the idea to continue the formal JAL Photo Contest. This contest were running for several years before it stopped after Tom got sick. I lost all the documents, data and photos of this contest when my computer was attacked by virus...and I can't remember who had ever won this trophy.

The only photo I can trace is the Grand Winner of WBC 2005, A Pemphis by Santoso of Indonesia. Anyone know any other winners ?

WBC-Saburo Kato Trophy Wbff-110

Robert Steven
Robert Steven

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