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I can't identify this plant

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I can't identify this plant Empty I can't identify this plant

Post  allofall Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:02 pm

Hello every one,
I received the following gift:

I can't identify this plant 20121210

study but i can't identify it. would you please help me to identify it?


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I can't identify this plant Empty Re: I can't identify this plant

Post  JimLewis Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:24 pm

Juniper. But without info on where it came from (nursery or wild), ID is questionable, at lest for me. Juniper species from everywhere ARE everywhere these days. "Communis," possibly. It is a worldwide north temperate species.

Looks like nice material to start something with.

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I can't identify this plant Empty Re: I can't identify this plant

Post  allofall Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:14 pm

JimLewis wrote:Juniper. But without info on where it came from (nursery or wild), ID is questionable, at lest for me. Juniper species from everywhere ARE everywhere these days. "Communis," possibly. It is a worldwide north temperate species.
Thanks for the fast response.
JimLewis wrote:Looks like nice material to start something with.
Yes, I like its curves. I'll try to find a good style for it scratch may be semi cascade I'm not sure, but for sure I'll post my ideas in different post to ask for devices before i start it. Smile

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