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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

my nellie
Khaimraj Seepersad
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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:44 am

This will be for a ficus. Growing indoors only. (Outdoor not an option)

I have found this. It is 27W CFL. I believe I need at least 1,00 lumens?

I'd have to turn it on/off, but at least it might work?

Ok, apparently a 27w CFL is the same lumens as a 100w incandes bulb.

A 100w incandes bulb is 1490-2600 lumens. That should work, right?

I have also found:

I can't find out how many lumens it is. I don't know why they make it so difficult to find the lumens of the dang things.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Ryan Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:15 am

Go to your local Home Depot or Lowes and get yourself a T8 fixture, it will give you better results than the light fixtures you're linking to. Incandescent lightbulbs will get you nowhere fast. It's not just about lumens, but also the color of the bulb.

Take a look at this link:

P.S. Neither of your links work.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  milehigh_7 Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:19 am

I would say a T5 HO. Pretty good output. A bit harder to find but worth it. They do put out a bit more heat than T-8 however.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:40 am

Ryan wrote:Go to your local Home Depot or Lowes and get yourself a T8 fixture, it will give you better results than the light fixtures you're linking to. Incandescent lightbulbs will get you nowhere fast. It's not just about lumens, but also the color of the bulb.

Take a look at this link:

P.S. Neither of your links work.

As I have said, I have nothing for it to clip onto. Also it costs too much, and not what I am looking for.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  milehigh_7 Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:30 am

LOL well I gotta tell ya friend, you have shunned solid experienced advice on two forums that I know of. Sounds like you know what you want to try so I suggest you go ahead and dive in. You sound like the type that needs to learn from experience not the experienced. Can I just tell you that this is painful and expensive road you are choosing? We will all still be here when you need us. ╚(•⌂•)╝


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  rps Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:39 am

I used CFL-s for a couple of winters ( before rigging up some T5-s ) & while not ideal are still better than nothing. They are a modest supplement, so you'll also need to take advantage of any natural light your dwelling affords --- ie: a south or east facing window.
They burn cool, so get the light as close to your tree as possible & rotate it periodically.
Better if you can find a 40w CFL (150w incandescent equivalent) or 45w CFL (200w incandescent equivalent).
Better, still, if you're able to run two.

Ryan mentioned the importance of light colour and this can not be stressed enough. The CFL-s are sold in three hues: "soft white" (appr 2700K), "cool white" (appr 4100K) and "daylight" (appr 6700k).
Avoid the "soft white" (2700K) since most of the wavelengths it produces are of little aid to photosynthesis.
The "cool white" (4100K) are fine for foliage growth (which is what you'll be after with your ficus).
The "daylight" (6700K) will also work, providing photosynthesis friendly wavelengths as well as those necessary for flowering (meaning, really, they are overkill for your purposes).
All this is explained in greater detail in the article linked in Ryan's post.

The designations soft, cool and daylight may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer; so concentrate on the Kelvin numbers (2700k) (4100K) (6700k) --- these will be printed on the box in most cases. Failing that, they can be found printed on the self contained ballast at the base of the CFL bulb.

If you can, get your trees outside for the summer months. They benefit from and strengthen in the wind and rain as much as the sun. Unless you have a really elaborate light set up, robust growth and development will always evade with a year round indoor setting.

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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:33 am

EnviroGro plant light has a bulb that gives 1,500 lumens. C.R.I of 80-85.

I read a Fukien Tea only needs 1,000 lumens. Ficus needs less.

It uses a 'daylight.' I already read that stuff about the colors. I've read more than you think I have. Smile

Also it just not heeding the advice of the experience. I am, which is exactly why I am trying to ask so many questions and get help, but trying to serve me blackberries when I'm allergic to blackberries still won't make me eat the damn blackberries. Razz Get me? Razz

Edit: looks like I can get that, and then replace it with new bulb. This one has at least 1,800 lumens,-CFL/Detail

Below is 1,400 lumens, 6500k color temp


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:32 am

Stay clear,
difficult person, does not listen.
Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:50 am

Ouchie. That hurts.

Anyway, this T5 might work if I can find a table that will fit.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  fiona Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:54 am

Go for it.


Just go for it.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:28 pm

Khaimraj Seepersad wrote:Stay clear,
difficult person, does not listen.

...Before I was annoyed but now I am used to this,,(took me looong time though) and amused and entertained... Basketball

jun Razz


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:30 pm

fiona wrote:Go for it.


Just go for it.

hehehe harharhar!
just buy the damn thing...anyhing! it will make you happy.



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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:43 pm

Ordered!!!! Smile (Also bought a mame $27 fukien tea [hopefully this will work with that} and going to buy a $35-$45 ficus natalensis) EXCITED!!!

Hydrofarm JSV2 2-Foot Jump Start T5 Grow Light System
Winsome Wood Linea Console Table, Espresso

I also purchased the books:

Growing Bonsai Indoors (BBG Guides for a Greener Planet)- Pat Lucke Morri
Indoor Bonsai: Plants and Gardens (Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record) - Sig Dreilinger
Bonsai (101 Essential Tips) - Harry Tomlinson -
The Art of Indoor Bonsai: Cultivating Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Tender Bonsai - John Ainsworth
Bonsai Survival Manual: Tree-by-Tree Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Problem Solving - Colin Lewis
Ficus : The Exotic Bonsai - Jerry Meislik
The Living Art of Bonsai: Principles & Techniques of Cultivation & Propagation - Amy Liang

Last edited by GarlR on Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  my nellie Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:56 pm

jun wrote:... ... just buy the damn thing...anyhing! it will make you happy.
Jun, he/she has just did it!
Yes, GarIR has bought anything!
GarlR wrote:Ordered!!!!
  • Also bought a mame 27' fukien tea
  • and going to buy a $35-$45 ficus natalensis) EXCITED!!!
  • Hydrofarm JSV2 2-Foot Jump Start T5 Grow Light System
  • Winsome Wood Linea Console Table, Espresso
  • Growing Bonsai Indoors (BBG Guides for a Greener Planet)- Pat Lucke Morri
  • Indoor Bonsai: Plants and Gardens (Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record) - Sig Dreilinger
  • Bonsai (101 Essential Tips) - Harry Tomlinson -
  • The Art of Indoor Bonsai: Cultivating Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Tender Bonsai - John Ainsworth
  • Bonsai Survival Manual: Tree-by-Tree Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Problem Solving - Colin Lewis
  • Ficus : The Exotic Bonsai - Jerry Meislik
  • The Living Art of Bonsai: Principles & Techniques of Cultivation & Propagation - Amy Liang

This is quite a list!
my nellie
my nellie

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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:00 pm

I did good? lol

Also it was a $27 fukien tea. Not a 27 foot fukien tea. heh.

Hopefully that will have me covered. I do need to get a humidity tray, but not sure what to get. One for each individual tree, or one for both.


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:09 pm

The 5 inch Fukien Tea that should be here soon.

What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Fukientea


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:16 pm

GarlR wrote:Ordered!!!! Smile (Also bought a mame $27 fukien tea [hopefully this will work with that} and going to buy a $35-$45 ficus natalensis) EXCITED!!!

Hydrofarm JSV2 2-Foot Jump Start T5 Grow Light System
Winsome Wood Linea Console Table, Espresso

I also purchased the books:

Growing Bonsai Indoors (BBG Guides for a Greener Planet)- Pat Lucke Morri
Indoor Bonsai: Plants and Gardens (Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record) - Sig Dreilinger
Bonsai (101 Essential Tips) - Harry Tomlinson -
The Art of Indoor Bonsai: Cultivating Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Tender Bonsai - John Ainsworth
Bonsai Survival Manual: Tree-by-Tree Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Problem Solving - Colin Lewis
Ficus : The Exotic Bonsai - Jerry Meislik
The Living Art of Bonsai: Principles & Techniques of Cultivation & Propagation - Amy Liang

...That's very good! have fun.
...Jerry's book is suited for you ( IMHO)
jun Smile


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:19 pm

Yes, I know, because I LISTENED TO PEOPLE that suggested what books to get. All of those are suggestions. Razz

People suggested I get a T5 Lighting, and I DID.

People suggested I get a cheaper pre-bonsai/bonsai, and I DID.

GO FREAKING FIGURE. You couldn't tell by the previous posts. Razz

Edit: Also all the naysayers can eat pics my beautiful bonsai/pre-bonsai/setup in about a week.

BTW thanks everyone for all the help/advice. Smile


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Sakaki Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:36 pm

Congrats fiona!
You have a new stirrer, ahaha lol!

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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  coh Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:23 pm

Hopefully you'll keep us posted as to how your tree(s) do under these lights.

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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  fiona Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:25 pm


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  fiona Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:27 pm

Sakaki wrote:Congrats fiona!
You have a new stirrer, ahaha lol!
Agito ergo sum

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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  Ryan Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:46 pm

So a $25 T8 fixture was too expensive, but you bought a $50 T5 fixture and a bunch of books, plus another tree?? Hmmm scratch


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What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree Empty Re: What Lighting System For Indoor Only (First) Tree

Post  GarlR Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:03 pm

Ryan wrote:So a $25 T8 fixture was too expensive, but you bought a $50 T5 fixture and a bunch of books, plus another tree?? Hmmm scratch

I thought cheapest you guys were saying was over $100. Also it was hanging and didn't have a stand like the one I ordered. As I said I want it on A table next to window or on coffee table. Smile

Also a table. Smile A t5 with a stand for 52 bucks is very reasonable. It fits where I want the trees, looks decent, and has the light power.


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