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Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust?

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Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust? Empty Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust?

Post  yamasuri Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:42 am

Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust? Img_0222

c/p from:
Pine-Oak Gall Rust

Pine-oak gall rust or Eastern gall rust causes swellings, galls, on the stems and branches. Each gall may measure up to 10 inches in diameter. In the summer, yellow or orange powders appear on the galls. These powders are the spores of the fungus. The fungus (Cronartium quercuum) then moves to a host of the oak family, causing rusty spots to appear on the leaves.


Removing infected parts with the discoloration or galls minimizes damage. This reduces the spread rate of the disease. Fungicides also help control these diseases. Regular spraying of preventative fungicides works well with tip blight and needle blight. Use the appropriate fungicide to spray the mugo pine twice a year for needle blight or three times a year for tip blight. For pine-oak gall rust, only apply a fungicide containing mancozeb when yellow blisters appear on the galls.

Read more: Diseases of the Mugo Pine |

Can somebody coment who experienced such problem? Thanks appreceate.

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Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust? Empty Re: Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust?

Post  Carolee Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:21 am

I'm no expert, but I did a google image search, and found many good pics with descriptions and management from university sources. From what I've read, the gall can not be separated from the twig/branch. Good Luck.

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Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust? Empty Re: Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust?

Post  yamasuri Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:34 pm

Thanks for reply Carolee. It makes swollen parts of branches which growes bigger and in certain point the gall opens like flower and is full of yellow powder. My picture shows two little galls just starting grow [I found them and cut them immediately] On Google I found "gall rust" affects Mugo Pine  and I have it on Sylvestris. That's what confuses me a bit and that's why I start this thread.
Happy I got my Mancozeb from e-bay. I already did two treatments/spray on my all pines [1x  weekly] and will continue about mid of November untill frost comes.
If this treatment fail and I'll lose my Sylvestris-champ [in my training for 15 years] it will for sure leave scars on my bonsai hart.  Sad  Just pray and cross fingers
Is this Pine-Oak Gall Rust? Img_0410

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