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ID for mame & shohin

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ID for mame & shohin Empty ID for mame & shohin

Post  NemusStipes Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:04 pm

So my lil sister's b-day is coming up. My gift to her is going to be her bonsai. She had this little mame (now shohin) tree in our back yard for ages. She has been begging me to dig it up for her. So, this leads me to my two questions:

1. What are they?
2. When should I dig them up?

Here are some picks of the trees.

The Shohin:
ID for mame & shohin Qzn984
ID for mame & shohin J9wl5t
ID for mame & shohin 280jrba

The Mame
ID for mame & shohin 2j3jrpc
ID for mame & shohin 34g7h1x
ID for mame & shohin 5yrmsz

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ID for mame & shohin Empty Re: ID for mame & shohin

Post  JimLewis Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:19 pm

I'd guess it is a cherry or a plum -- genus Prunus.

The time to dig it is early spring, NOT now.

As far as a bonsai goes, you are more likely to get her a potential bonsai that will survive by going to a nursery and purchasing a small juniper or Cotoneaster -- and getting her a book on bonsai.

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ID for mame & shohin Empty Re: ID for mame & shohin

Post  NemusStipes Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:46 pm

Yep, upon further searching I found a larger one (with much larger 4.5 inch leaves) and decided it was a black cherry. Thank you very much.
And about the value of it as a present... I'll be the one taking care of it, not her. She just gets the luxury of saying it's hers. (She has had her heart set on it for two years. But I wouldn't dig it for her.)
Thank you very much and I'll wait till spring to dig.
Do you think the second tree is prunus too?


Last edited by NemusStipes on Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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ID for mame & shohin Empty Re: ID for mame & shohin

Post  JimLewis Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:48 pm

I can't tell, but if you're grubbing in the dirt, get some iodine on that cut!

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ID for mame & shohin Empty Re: ID for mame & shohin

Post  NemusStipes Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:55 pm

It's an old cut. My sewing machine attacked my finger and took a chunk out. I had to take the band-aid off for the remainder of the day because it wasn't healing.

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