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What to do with a Hawthorn

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What to do with a Hawthorn  Empty What to do with a Hawthorn

Post  chris Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:57 pm

This is a fantastic Hawthorn that John Harris has had a small hand in over the years, it having been collected over 30 years ago. It is owned by a bonsai enthusiast in Swansea. The top of the tree has been allowed to get away and the question is what to do?
What to do with a Hawthorn  Dscf5711w.php?i=442&u=13830582]What to do with a Hawthorn  Dscf5710[/url]
What to do with a Hawthorn  Dscf5714
The next 2 pics give some options of where it could be cut to re grow a new apex
What to do with a Hawthorn  Dscf5713w.php?i=444&u=13830582]What to do with a Hawthorn  Dscf5712[/url]

Your ideas would be most welcome

Regards Chris

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What to do with a Hawthorn  Empty What to do with a Hawthorn

Post  Ka Pabling Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:49 pm

Hi Chris,
Lovely hawthorn!
If this is not a hawthorn and it is in my country, I would suggest that you keep that top and develop it for its crown.But then, , I think I would go for the last pic.
Best wishes,
ka pabling
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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What to do with a Hawthorn  Empty Re: What to do with a Hawthorn

Post  wabashene Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:07 am

Hi Chris,

The gnarled appearance and dramatic re-curved trunkline would seem to mitigate against building some kind of classical neat, triangular apex on what wants to be a low, battered upland tree imo.

Rough virt attached and I might even be tempted to take the entire vertical branch/trunk extention off flush to keep, the tree low and spreading.


tim R

P.S. btw you may have seen that I haven't quite destroyed those 2 larch yet Smile

What to do with a Hawthorn  Ct_haw10

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