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Willow Leaf Ficus Help

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Willow Leaf Ficus Help

Post  Anger Smiles Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:39 pm


My name is Terrence I live in Denver Colorado. I have a Willow Leaf Ficus that I re-potted this spring around May 21st into a bigger pot and noticed it wasn't doing very well two weeks later. My thought was I didn't do a good job getting the soil (Black Gold bonsai mix) around the roots so around June 11th I re-potted again making sure to take my time and get the soil around the roots. The Ficus leaves continued to yellow or brown and fall but at this point I was seeing new growth. I have checked the leaves for any sign of bugs and haven't been to see any. I have been keeping the soil moist possible too moist but this is the watering pattern I've used for the Willow Leaf Ficus over the last eight years. Anyway, I'm pretty concerned at this point and could really use some expertise from the pros. Thanks for the help!

Willow Leaf Ficus Help GEDC0910

Willow Leaf Ficus Help GEDC0908

Willow Leaf Ficus Help GEDC0907

Willow Leaf Ficus Help GEDC0909

Willow Leaf Ficus Help GEDC0906
Anger Smiles
Anger Smiles

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Re: Willow Leaf Ficus Help

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:58 pm

"possibly too moist" Before you repotted the tree was probably root bound and the pot didn't hold much water (the organics in the soil were gone) but when you repotted the new soil held more water, although this tree is very tolerant of miss treatment.

Do not water on a schedule, check the soil and water when dry, I use a small wooden meat skewer.

Are you keeping the tree indoors?
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Re: Willow Leaf Ficus Help

Post  Anger Smiles Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:04 pm

Thanks for your help. I leave it outside, East facing with morning light.
Anger Smiles
Anger Smiles

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Willow Leaf Fig Help

Post  bonsaisr Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:03 pm

This species likes full sun all day. What are you feeding it?

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Re: Willow Leaf Ficus Help

Post  JimLewis Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:26 pm

I'd guess that he repotted too early. You usually repot these fellows in the heat of the summer. (And, in Colorado, I doubt he keeps it outside in he winter and early spring -- another reason potting was too early.

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Re: Willow Leaf Ficus Help

Post  Anger Smiles Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:33 pm

I use a slow release organic fertilizer but I don't remember the name on the bag off hand. Yes, the bonsai is inside throughout the cold months. What type of fertilizer would you recommend?
Anger Smiles
Anger Smiles

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Willow Leaf Ficus Help Empty Willow Leaf Fig Help

Post  bonsaisr Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:47 pm

Some bonsai respond well to slow release fertilizer, & some don't. Slow release fertilizer, such as Osmocote, is formulated for regular soil. In bonsai soil it is less predictable. Try a regular houseplant food.
See if anyone else in your area grows Ficus salicaria, Willow leaf fig. Denver is extremely dry and this species likes humidity.

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