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Two years of a Downy Birch

Mr Miyagi
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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:09 pm

Hi IBC, Never seem to get the time to post anymore. Just a two shot progression over two years.
Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
First picture 14/07/10
Second picture 21/10/12
Pot: Tokoname (I known it could do with a clean!) Embarassed

Two years of a Downy Birch  116

Two years of a Downy Birch  217
Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  JudyB Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:59 pm

Bam! That is sweet!


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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  adam1234 Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:00 pm

excellently carved taper. Very good work.



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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  efishn Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:35 pm

Hi Mr Miyagi,

it seems like the base of the trunk grew very well in this 2 years. what did u let it eat ? Smile

very good work ! ThumbsUp


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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  MikeG Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:49 pm

Only 2 years? Fantastic.

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty two yearsof a downy birch

Post  moyogijohn Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:34 am

You did a very good job,Mr. Miyagi, in only 2 years.. a very nice tree !! take care john


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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Todd Ellis Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:45 am

Can't be the same tree... Great job with the carving. From youth to old age in two years - great illusion!
Todd Ellis
Todd Ellis

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  join066 Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:28 am

tell me at what time, winter or summer, you do Shari on birch?

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:01 am

Thanks everyone for your comments. The tree has been fed every 2 weeks through the growing season using a lot of whatever is cheap. The shari was done in the first winter. Here are a few more pictures of its progression. When I re-potted it last spring a sharied root at the front had completely rooted and broke away. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Two years of a Downy Birch  515

Two years of a Downy Birch]Two years of a Downy Birch  416[/url]
Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  join066 Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:15 am

Thank you, great job. Good luck to you and the tree.

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  yamasuri Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:46 am

Forget my rudeness Mr.Miyagi. The tree is yamadori, right? I havent find anything mentioned above. Surprised

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:29 am

yamasuri wrote:Forget my rudeness Mr.Miyagi. The tree is yamadori, right? I havent find anything mentioned above. Surprised

Hi Vlad, yes the tree was collected just before the first photo.

Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  yamasuri Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:35 am

Thanks for reply. How old it could be? Aproximately? BTW I love birches

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:45 am

yamasuri wrote:Thanks for reply. How old it could be? Aproximately? BTW I love birches

If I had to guess I'd say between 10 and 15 years but I could be well out. Think I may still have the large removed section from the top. If I can dig it out then I'll have a go at counting the rings.
Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  yamasuri Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:52 am

Oh no no you don't have to do that. Just curious. Like your carving and overal progress. Nice nebari makes your tree strong.

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Guest Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:42 pm

So you chopped the trunk 2 times? you chopped it the second time, after you allready did the first work on the shari?
I ask because i see two different dimensions of the tree on these pictures, if you look at dimensions of pot and tree, also the shape of the shari. And offcourse maybe other branches appeared after the second chop?

Overall, good little tree

age, i suspect the tree to be approx 5 years (when it was dug up from the wild)


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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:02 pm

yves71277 wrote:So you chopped the trunk 2 times? you chopped it the second time, after you allready did the first work on the shari?
I ask because i see two different dimensions of the tree on these pictures, if you look at dimensions of pot and tree, also the shape of the shari. And offcourse maybe other branches appeared after the second chop?

Overall, good little tree

age, i suspect the tree to be approx 5 years (when it was dug up from the wild)

Hi, yes I redesigned the tree to a much small tree in the autumn of 2011 as it looked awkward as it was. I edited the shari a few time with small detail. Also where I created the shari the trunk died back a bit on it own, as is common with birch. In the pic of its original design you can see the branches I used to build t as it is now.

Thanks Sam
Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  twinsrat Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:56 pm

Hi there
I m going to do something similar with my birch. I m just wondering how did you protect the death woods. Did you use only lime-sulfur or other stuff too.
It is lovely tree progres BTW
Regards Piotr


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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:21 am

twinsrat wrote:Hi there
I m going to do something similar with my birch. I m just wondering how did you protect the death woods. Did you use only lime-sulfur or other stuff too.
It is lovely tree progres BTW
Regards Piotr

Hi Piotr. Originally I used lime sulfur mixed with a small amount of black Indian ink. This looks awful when applied but looks ok in a week or so. However after I shortened the tree and re-carved the dead wood I left it for the grow season with nothing and have only just applied some wood hardener. This gives a chance for rot to set in a make the dead area much more natural. So my advice is to carve, then do nothing for a year, then harden. Other species I would leave longer but in my climate and birch dead wood would completely root away.
Hope this helps. Sam
Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  twinsrat Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:42 pm

Thanks Sam
This is what I have been thinking about. I m just wondering what kind of wood hardener did you use. Was it any ordinary builders wood hardener or some special one. If you can recommend one, or point what should I avoid.
Regards Piotr


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Two years of a Downy Birch  Empty Re: Two years of a Downy Birch

Post  Mr Miyagi Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:11 pm

twinsrat wrote:Thanks Sam
This is what I have been thinking about. I m just wondering what kind of wood hardener did you use. Was it any ordinary builders wood hardener or some special one. If you can recommend one, or point what should I avoid.
Regards Piotr

Hi Piotr,
I just used an old can of Cuprinol Wood Hardener, so nothing special. Not sure if its white spirit based or not. Just make sure you don’t get coned into using any specialist product that’s too expensive. Saying that, I believe there to be some reasonable priced ones available. But I just use whatever’s at hand. The trees not dead so I guess its ok! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Mr Miyagi
Mr Miyagi

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