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Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Klaudia & Martin
Victrinia Ridgeway
11 posters

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:25 pm

The Dragon boyz spent the day setting up their annual society display.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4711
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4612
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4613
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4614
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4712

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:28 pm

Some of the trees.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4615
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4616
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4617
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4618
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4619

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:31 pm

Some more.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4620
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4621
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4622

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:42 pm

Some close ups.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4623
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4624
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4625
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4626
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4627
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4628
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4630
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4631
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4632
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4633
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4634
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4635

The Game fair starts 10am Saturday and runs til Sunday eve.

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Starting out

Post  Jeremy Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:49 pm

Dragon are also including a "starting out" section. Showing trees under varying stages of development.
We are also giving the public the opportunity of hands on with a selection of larchs to play with.
Not having a demo, we feel, is a step in the right direction of de-mystifing our art.

Both of the above we tried last year and they were a great success.

If you are in the area come and give us a visit.
at the Welsh Game fair at Gelli Aur - Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, S. Wales
Welsh Game fair

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  chris Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:21 pm

Well everything went like clockwork lots of hands make light work, I have just left the night shift, Bob, Colin and Glen to look after things until morning. Its going to be a great weekend
Regards Chris

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Victrinia Ridgeway Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:48 pm

The bunjin Larch in the drum pot about made me squeal with delight.... my word that's a beautiful tree. cheers

Thanks so much for sharing!

Love the set-up for the screens... those are just marvelous.

Kindest regards,

Victrinia Ridgeway
Victrinia Ridgeway

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Klaudia & Martin Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:27 pm

Hello Jeremy

I really like the allover look of your show and you have got some wonderfull trees !!!!!

BUT...IMO......these Masterpieces deserve a lot more space.....every tree should stand "alone" to be watched on its own !!!!

Kind regards
Klaudia & Martin
Klaudia & Martin

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Hawaiian77 Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:46 pm

Howzit Jeremy,

Much Mahalo for sharing such beautiful trees. ThumbsUp I'm with Victrinia, the bunjin Larch in the drum pot is an awesome specimen. But overall great works of art. Good Job!! thumbs up

A Hui Hou,
-Tim Cool

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  chris Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:10 pm

Thanks to everyone for your replies.
Klaudia and Martin
I agree total with your feelings but this is our club show and is a chance for any member to show trees, add this to limited space and you can see the problem. we do tokanoma photo shots of individual trees throughout the year, have a look at the dragon bonsai web site
Regards Chris

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Awards

Post  Jeremy Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:38 pm

The society presented awards to the best deciduous and evergreen tree.
Martin Davies was awarded the best deciduous and for the second year running Bob Hill was awarded the best evergreen.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf9110
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf9111

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:42 pm

Some more society members trees.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4713
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4714
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4715
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4716

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty 48 hr workshop

Post  Jeremy Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:52 pm

Dragon member, Colin spent most of the last 2 days helping visitors wire and style a number of larch.
All had a very enjoyable and educational time.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf9112
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf9113
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf9114

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Smithy Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:14 pm

That was great to see. .I'm always impressed in the dedication you guys have.

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Dragon bonsai society

Post  Jeremy Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:27 pm

Thank you Smithy.
The boyz and girlz of Dragon who displayed trees at our show.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Dscf4717

I had a great weekend meeting and chatting with many bonsai enthusiasts and bonsai buddies.
A very hot and humid weekend sunny
A very happy, satisfied, and very tired Dragon packed up and said their goodbyes to the Welsh Game fair at Gelli Aur for another year. Very Happy

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Bonsaijuan Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:54 pm

Great presentation and the trees look wonderful.
Thank you for sharing it with us!!!!!!!!!! thumbs up


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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Dragon's progress

Post  Jeremy Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:10 pm

Bonsaijuan wrote:Great presentation and the trees look wonderful.
Thank you for sharing it with us!!!!!!!!!! thumbs up
Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated.

IMHO, Dragon members trees are getting more refined every year.
I was very happy with the quality presented last year, but I feel we have all made good progress in our refinement and presentation this year.
There is no selection process, members are told they can each show 3 trees. All we ask is the pots to be clean, the surface dressed and to have a stand. This year the first 2 requests were fulfilled 100% and the 3rd was very close, only the size of the pot beat us, but next year will be ready. Twisted Evil
The one thing that really surprised me was the size of the general increase in size of trees presented.
Very few under a chuhin (>24") and a few Bonju (>40") trees appeared. We will need to get higher backdrops. Laughing

This was the first time some of the members have shown any tree outside of their gardens. So for some trees this was their first outing.
I think they did really well. Congrats to them all. cheers

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Pavel Slovák Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:03 pm

Hi Jeremy.

Very nice trees. Congratulations to all. ThumbsUp

Pavel Slovák
Pavel Slovák

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:31 pm

Pavel Slovák wrote:Hi Jeremy.
Very nice trees. Congratulations to all. ThumbsUp

Thank you.
We at Dragon appreciate your fine work very much. So your encouragement is very welcome.

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Ka Pabling Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:05 am

Greetings to all the dragons!
Congratulations for another job well done.

I was about to comment that you should show other trees aside from what you have repeatedly shown in the past but I am convinced by Jerrys explanation that this one way of showing the progress of the refinement and presentation of the trees.

I dont see Chris in your group picture, he must be the photographer?
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  chris Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:47 am

Hi Pabling, great to hear from you,
I was limited to setting up and breaking down at the end of the show, staff shortage at the nursery so I was grounded for the weekend.
I am very proud of the boys and girls of dragon for producing such a good show and for working so hard on such a warm weekend.
Regards Chris

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  cjcosta Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:25 am

Hi Jeremy,

Good work, congratulations.

Best Regards,

Carlos Costa

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Ice tea

Post  Jeremy Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:10 pm

chris wrote:Hi Pabling, great to hear from you,
I was limited to setting up and breaking down at the end of the show, staff shortage at the nursery so I was grounded for the weekend.
I am very proud of the boys and girls of dragon for producing such a good show and for working so hard on such a warm weekend.
Regards Chris

Hi Pabling,
What Chris failed to mention was, dispite taking, picking up and helping to erect and take down all the backdrops, tables etc he was sitting in the shade, sipping ice tea at his nursery all weekend Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_cool , because everyone in Carmarthenshire was at the Game fair, watching Dave slowly cook to a bright red hue.
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_cherry Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_cherry Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_cherry Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Icon_twisted

Chris, You where much miss.

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:13 pm

cjcosta wrote:Hi Jeremy,
Good work, congratulations.
Best Regards,
Carlos Costa

Hi Carlos,
Thank you.
Think I need to give you a visit. I seem to have missed placed all my larger cutting tools!
Come to think of it it's likely my son have used them to make his new Tardis console, along with the typewriter and playstation, etc....

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. Empty gamefair show

Post  Bob Bailey Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:42 am

Hi Jerry
great looking trees,well presented with clean pots, top dressed and with stands,you and Chris must have really been cracking the whip! I,m sorry I cauldn,t get down ,but I have been busy getting my trees ready for Capel Manor this weekend,sorry you and Chris won,t be there, it won,t be the same without you.More food for everyone though!
I agree with Martin about the cramped look of some of the trees,But I know how difficult it is at club shows to please all the members who want their trees on display. He should have been at the recent Wessex Show where the Dragon and Celtic Knot displays were stunning and in my humble opinion should easily have won the best club display.
See you at Newstead in September.

Bob Bailey

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