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The dai fever

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The dai fever Empty The dai fever

Post  Ka Pabling Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:49 am

I have been making daiza for the past three weeks for the stones That I have collected after new year, I was never warned that daiza making could be habit forming. The more I make mistakes, the more I am challenged to try again.

Here are some pics of my project, kindly give your comments so I could improve it.
The dai fever Jan_da15
[img:e9dd][/i]The dai fever Jan_da12[/[url=]The dai fever Jan_da14[[url=]The dai fever 22410[/[url=]The dai fever 22910url]/url]url]/uThe dai fever 24410rl]/url]
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai fever

Post  Chris Cochrane Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:57 pm

Hi Padychitan... Your first stone is very elegant so I'd attempt a daiza of minimal mass which keeps the legs under the stone & retain its slightly undulating lip (nice fitting!). Approximating the daiza on a photo is VERY different from encountering what the actual stone requires, but here is a rough option if the natural stone bottom is shallow... The dai fever Padych11

Last edited by Chris Cochrane on Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai fever

Post  Heven Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:08 am

Beautiful mountain stones.Smile

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai feverI AGREE c

Post  Ka Pabling Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:47 am

i agree Chris,thanks for your suggestion I have already achieved the most difficult part of daiza making in this particular stone, that is, the fitting of
the stone to the wood I thinks that is 90% of the job. I will try to reduce the mass. using the same daiza your suggestion is doable.

I am new to computers, could you tell me how you drew the daiza to my stone? could you include that in the tutorials? ty
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai fever

Post  Ka Pabling Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:35 am

Hi heven

Am glad you like the mountain stones.The stones we collect here are similar to your stone there, this is probably because our country used to be part of mainland Asia millions of year ago.
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai fever

Post  JimLewis Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:31 pm

Before you do much more carving on the daiza, you might simply try staining it a darker color.

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai fever

Post  Chris Cochrane Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:16 pm

Hi Padychitan... The waterfall is an exquisite stone. Your close-fitting of the stone and vertical alignment of the waterfall in its upper tier are very appealing. They assure the stone image will be valued. My preference needn't be yours, & my illustration is clumsy-- it looks a bit like the egg cup about which I complained in another recent post. Perhaps, a less massive base than the original could allow more presence for the stone.

While preparing a presentation for my club's exhibit this weekend, I'm gathering photos for a PowerPoint preview. Another club member is exhibiting a stone similar to yours & accompanied it with a poem that he composed...
The dai fever Dsc00012

Staining the seating (as Jim suggests) could quiet the stark contrast between the stone & daiza. Keep the contrast discernable.
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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The dai fever Empty Re: The dai fever

Post  Ka Pabling Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:25 am

Thanks Jim, you will notice that all the daiza are not yet stained, I am still doing some retouch job on the carvings once it is finished i will post the pics.
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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The dai fever Empty Dai fever

Post  Ka Pabling Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:55 am

here is another option for the waterfall stone, it is in a marble tray

The dai fever Marble10
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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