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Chamaecyparis thyoides

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Chamaecyparis thyoides Empty Chamaecyparis thyoides

Post  bonsaisr Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:18 pm

I have a shohin specimen of 'Valavanis.' Can I repot it now (minimal root disturbance) or must I wait until fall? Is it suitable for cascade? I have a Japanese pot with matte cinnabar glaze and an elaborate but faint design. Is it suitable for this species? confused

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Chamaecyparis thyoides Empty Re: Chamaecyparis thyoides

Post  JimLewis Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:23 pm

A picture might help, Iris, but I'd say yes to a simple repot. Just protect it for a while afterward. The gnus as a whole seems very phototropic and wants to lean toward the sun, but I don't know any raon you couldn't make a cascade out of it. Pot is your choice.

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