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ginseng ficus training

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ginseng ficus training Empty ginseng ficus training

Post  moyogijohn Sun May 24, 2015 5:05 pm

I know this is not a real bonsai but I found one at a estate sale for 3.00 ... need to know how to get it to back bud and fill in... it is budding new at the tips of the branches now... thanks very much john


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ginseng ficus training Empty Re: ginseng ficus training

Post  Precarious Sun May 24, 2015 6:09 pm

If you think it's not real, it's failed as one already.

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ginseng ficus training Empty Re: ginseng ficus training

Post  Jaybirds Sun May 24, 2015 7:02 pm

If your new plant is healthy then all you have to do is cut back and watch it grow. They are prolific at creating new buds all over the place. They don't like to be wet and seem to love Miracle Gro. Good luck!



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ginseng ficus training Empty genseng ficus training

Post  moyogijohn Sun May 24, 2015 10:37 pm

Thank you,Dave and Jane for your comments.. the reason i said that is everyone seems to be down on genseng ficus because of the root as a trunk !! Thanks john


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ginseng ficus training Empty Re: ginseng ficus training

Post  Precarious Sun May 24, 2015 10:47 pm

I notice that reaction also, but they are nice to grow and can very much give the impression of an ancient jungle tree with creative root/trunk development. It is a good 'outside the box' tree.

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ginseng ficus training Empty Re: ginseng ficus training

Post  Auballagh Mon May 25, 2015 3:22 am

Agree with all.  And definitely - if it isn't Bonsai to you?  

Then it isn't.

Otherwise, this species seems to thrive on abuse.  Grows pretty much however you want it to.  And, can always make a really nice house plant if you get bored with it.  Cool

You'll get frustrated fast if you want it to look like something it never will. Don't try to go with convention, with this little beast.  Try and develop a Sumo form with it or something.  Experiment!  Pot it up in really weird pots, and make those bulbous, crazy-sized roots a FEATURE of the tree.  Highlight them!
What the heck, you may actually wind up with something pretty cool someday.

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ginseng ficus training Empty ginseng ficus training

Post  moyogijohn Mon May 25, 2015 3:16 pm

Thank you David Auballagh for your comments.. I do think of them as bonsai this one has 3 combined trunks.. I just want some leaves closer in to make it look fuller.. thanks John


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