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British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.

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British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.  Empty British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.

Post  fiona Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:56 pm

Just a short announcement about the the former British Shohin Association. Because of the age-old issue of clubs not getting people to come forward to take on administrative roles, the organisation has through necessity undergone something of a facelift and will now be known as British Shohin Bonsai.  

We intend to keep the positives of the old BSA - most especially the biennial show - and the aim of the new group will still be actively to promote the smaller sizes of bonsai through inspiration, aspiration and a modicum of perspiration too no doubt.  Our methodology will be a bit different in that a lot of our "work" will now be online through our Facebook group and our website (details below). But it is hoped that we will run workshop type events in the future, and we will continue to support other groups' shows where possible.  

I know Facebook and its like have been blamed for a lot of the demises of actual practical activities, but we hope that our new direction will maintain all the positives from the old set-up while at the same admitting to ourselves that sometimes to beat 'em you have to join 'em.   Wink

We can be found at:

Everyone welcome - it isn't just for us funny Brits.

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British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.  Empty Re: British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.

Post  Mark Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:33 am

I have enjoyed reports and photos of the BSA events in the past. The quality,health and beauty of the wee trees as well
as the care and fine taste of the displays has been exceptional. Hats off to those who stepped up to insure its success!
Best Regards


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British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.  Empty Re: British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.

Post  Morten Albek Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:03 pm

I wish you all the best of luck with your efforts. Keep the BSB going. It deserves it, and you deserves it.
Morten Albek
Morten Albek

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British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.  Empty Re: British Shohin Association to British Shohin Bonsai - the phoenix arises.

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