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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea....

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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea....

Post  Guest Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:55 am

Just wondering if anyone in Asia or anyone can take a guess at the following tree that was mixed in with bonsai from Taiwan.
I am at a loss to even take a guess. It is not a Fukien tea, yet has similar white spots or stomata/stoma as some fukien tea leaves do.
I've been assured it is tropical, yet there is no English name given...
The only resemblance to the Fukien tea, and my only clue, is the white spots. Totally different leaf, and growth.
Any guesses? I've not seen it flower, but apparently it does, and no fruit.
Not in any of my many books, nor any hits on internet searches. And I collect rare and unusual trees from all over the world,
and have not come across anything like this...
THanks in advance for any suggestions.
Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Img-2015
Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Img-2016
Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Img-2017


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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Re: Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea....

Post  GašperG Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:44 am

My best guess would be Coprosma, possibly "kirkii" with those dark green leafs. Rolling Eyes

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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Re: Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea....

Post  Stan Kengai Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:04 pm

Perhaps something from the Elaeagnus genus.

Stan Kengai

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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Re: Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea....

Post  Russell Coker Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:10 pm

My first thought was Elaeagnus too. I have no idea what Coprosma is....
Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Not Fukien Tea

Post  bonsaisr Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:10 pm

All leaves have stomata. The dots you describe are more likely hydathodes, unless the leaves are actually variegated.
More likely Coprosma. Does it have a faint odor of feces? That's what Coprosma means.

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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Thank you - My plant matches Elaeagnus philippinensis

Post  Guest Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:44 pm

Thank you to all who were able to give hints on my little tree.

From what I can see, the leaves are an exact match to Elaeagnus philippinensis
A cool find for me, as I have only seen hardy Russian Olives here.

Thanks again! Mystery solved.


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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Eleagnus philippinensis

Post  bonsaisr Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:10 pm

Bingo. cheers I see what you mean about the white dots. Probably sunblock. Have you seen the epoxy lacquer on Bahama berry?

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Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea.... Empty Re: Stomata on leaf, like a fukien tea, yet not a fukien tea....

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