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procumbens nana with deadwood

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procumbens nana with deadwood Empty procumbens nana with deadwood

Post  kauaibonsai Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:44 am

procumbens nana juniper phoenix graft

best wishes, sam

procumbens nana with deadwood Dsc04217


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procumbens nana with deadwood Empty Re: procumbens nana with deadwood

Post  YukiShiro Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:06 pm

Looks good!

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procumbens nana with deadwood Empty Re: procumbens nana with deadwood

Post  Andrew Campbell Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:23 pm

Beautiful sam. Im fairly new to the forum so forgive my ignorance if this is a tree that people already know and there is another thread. If not then would you be able to post some pictures of the graft it self just so I can see the union etc etc. I would just like to see how well it has meshed with the deadwood or if its new, then how you have secured it to the wood. Just out of curiosity as I plan on doing my own tanuki/phoenix graft in the near future.
Andrew Campbell
Andrew Campbell

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procumbens nana with deadwood Empty Re: procumbens nana with deadwood

Post  kauaibonsai Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:10 am

hi andrew

I started with an older juniper with a 3+ inch trunk. the shape of the deadwood matched the shape of the trunk. carved a channel in the deadwood, fit the tree in and attached it to the deadwood with screws. side view picture attached. hope this helps

best wishes, sam
procumbens nana with deadwood Dsc04220


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procumbens nana with deadwood Empty Re: procumbens nana with deadwood

Post  Gary Swiech Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:05 pm

A very nice procumbens nana juniper phoenix graft bonsai.

I'm curious, what kind of wood is the driftwood made of?
Gary Swiech
Gary Swiech

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procumbens nana with deadwood Empty Re: procumbens nana with deadwood

Post  kauaibonsai Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:15 pm

thanks gary

the deadwood wood is vitex rotundifolia (very dense and durable). I wished I'd found the stump alive. woulda made an very nice bonsai.

best wishes, sam


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