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Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13

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Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Empty Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13

Post  John Brocklehurst Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:33 pm

Here are a few pics of accents etc used in displays at Noelanders 13

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1538

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1613

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1614

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1615

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1616

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1617

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1618

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1619

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1620

Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Pict1621

I hope you enjoy them


John Brocklehurst

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Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Empty Re: Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13

Post  bonsai monkey Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:49 pm

Cracking images John, thanks for posting them buddy,

Ook, Ook,
bonsai monkey
bonsai monkey

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Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Empty Re: Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13

Post  dick benbow Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:09 pm

add my thanks as well as that is helpful to see what others are doing, especially when you can't be there yourself.
dick benbow
dick benbow

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Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Empty one picture

Post  stonener Fri May 11, 2012 8:18 pm

= thousand words!... Suspect


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Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13 Empty Re: Accents, tenpai, pots and stands at Noelanders 13

Post  kauaibonsai Sun May 13, 2012 6:41 am

I see your stands john.

best wishes, sam


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