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Workshop - juniper PL

Paul Landis
Przemek Radomyski
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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Workshop - juniper PL

Post  Przemek Radomyski Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:11 pm

Hi! I'm view this forum from long time, but only today I resolve show you my works. This tree I responsible for 3 years. It's juniper sabina. If you have any sugestions ? Any conception for pot ?

Workshop - juniper PL File

First Styling
Workshop - juniper PL File
Workshop - juniper PL File

Workshop - juniper PL File

Workshop - juniper PL File


Przemek Radomyski

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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Workshop - juniper PL

Post  Guest Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:38 am

Excellent work Przemek. A very well balanced tree, from difficult material. Well done.


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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Re: Workshop - juniper PL

Post  Paul Landis Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:13 am

Great job!! A really great result!!
Paul Landis
Paul Landis

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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Re: Workshop - juniper PL

Post  Kev Bailey Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:22 am

Agreed it is a lovely result.

One small point that you can improve on with future projects. Don't cut off lower branches and jin them. Wire them down for a season or two so that they are growing with the same downward sweep as the branches above. When you are sure that their position is set, it doesn't matter if the wire has bitten in, remove the unwanted bracnches and jin them. It is a small trick that gives the growth consistency with the rest of the tree. It is also much easier than steam bending old hard jins, which frquently return to their original position after a bit of rain!

Last edited by Kev Bailey on Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Re: Workshop - juniper PL

Post  fiona Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:44 am

Kev Bailey wrote: Don't cut off lower branches and jin them. Wire them down for a season or two so that they are growing with the same downward sweep as the branches above. When you are sure that their position is set, it doesn't matter if the wire has bitten in, remove the unwanted branches and jin them. It is a small trick that gives the growth consistency with the rest of the tree.

To paraphrase Southpark - "I've learned a lil' something today!" So obvious, yet I've not heard it mentioned once at any of the myriad workshops I've attended since becoming an obsessed begninner seven or so years ago. Perhaps an indication of the "everything done today" overhaste that has been highlighted so often as the major flaw of workshops.

Thanks, Kev.

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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Re: Workshop - juniper PL

Post  Przemek Radomyski Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:08 am

Thanks for good words.

Kev - I agree in your's opinion any i have pat this trick. But this branches on down weren't yet, I must decide that must stay, in order to weren't be to much. Do you have any idea for pot ?

Przemek Radomyski

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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Re: Workshop - juniper PL

Post  Guest Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:25 am

Kev Bailey wrote: Don't cut off lower branches and jin them. Wire them down for a season or two so that they are growing with the same downward sweep as the branches above. When you are sure that their position is set, it doesn't matter if the wire has bitten in, remove the unwanted branches and jin them. It is a small trick that gives the growth consistency with the rest of the tree.
This is so true. Its fine to go for the quick image but your often left with elements of the tree that are unconvincing. The branch on this pine was not needed but it was still wired and left to grow. Two things achieved. A more convincing dead branch and Thickening of the tree.
Workshop - juniper PL Img_0513


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Workshop - juniper PL Empty Re: Workshop - juniper PL

Post  anttal63 Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:55 am

very nice work, beautiful little tree. the pot i see is a shallow rectangle, rounded corners with the tree planted from the left. great tips kev; these are the details that make differences. nice example too Will. thanks for sharing guys. cheers

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Workshop - juniper PL Empty juniper

Post  alex e Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:52 pm

Nice work Przemek ThumbsUp when those pads fill out you got
yourself a little gem,from what I can see it has not a bad Nebari
love working on junipers and always fancied the Sabina but by
all accounts they don,t do so well here in the UK,[ I,m sure someone
will prove me wrong Exclamation ]

regards Alex
alex e
alex e

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